Friday, April 17, 2009

She's Speechless .

It's funny .

I was soo pissed at him ...
I didn't talk to him for a whooole 24 hours !
it was excruciating ! Okay, I exaggerated a little,
but it was close enough !
I was missing him soo SOO muchhh, ...

&& so,

on my home, waiting for the train,

I was thinking "whens the last time, someone even said "Nalani, I Love Youu ."

&& it's terrible, because I don't even remember =/

and thenn, when I got to my mother's job, I couldn't take it anymore,

so I text himm lol and we ending up talking a bit, ... and he says

" Bubblegum...I Loveee Youu."

&& I'm just sitting there, and my chest gets tight, like I can't breathe, ...

I said " ... what ?"

He said "I Loveee Youuu."

&& I keep on acting dumb, because I feel ... like I'm in a dream . and I'm

still not believing, and I'm like "what ? I don't understand, what ? why ?" LOL

I'm just ... idkk .

he said I didn't have to say it back,

I'm scared . lol

1 comment:

  1. That's adorable ...

    But what are you scared of hunny?


Me && My Cousin Seth

Me && My Cousin Seth
&& His Horse Andy !

Naturally Happy Nappy

Naturally Happy Nappy
