Monday, April 20, 2009

Just being Honest .

All he said was "6 month anniversary",

&& that scared the living shit outta me .

SIX MONTHS ?! thats fuckin forever !

its been a month now ... and its like ...

I'm not havin second thoughts or anything but ...

idkk . he scared me away a bit .
He said he loves me .

do i love him ?

I'm hella scared to .
but when I kiss him,
my breathing gets faster,
I want more, more of his
lips EVERYWHERE, even
when he just gives me a
simple peck, i always grab
him and pull him back to
me for more, perhaps cus
i cant get enough, idk
why though, he's just so
tall, i love wrappin my
arms around his neck,
his smooth skin against
mine, his arms around
my waist, it just feels so
right when he holds me,
not eeeeven just him and
his kisses, but even when
he breathes on me, and i
can feel it, is just a
wonderful feeling, i guess
the feeling of him, or
another human being
for that matter, so close
to me, feeling the same
way that i feel, knowing
their heart is in the same
place as mine, is just an
exhilarating feeling ... like
paradise . his warm
embrace, him just being
next to mee ... is ....
Heaven .

sorry Jesus .

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