Sunday, April 12, 2009


Its just dumb myspace stuff .

&& its just a stupid picture right ?

I'm alright .
I wassss a little upset ,

but fuck it .

I don't care .


  1. Of him and someone else hugged up?
    Or someone that wasn't you on his
    profile? Myspace \ Facebook eat relationships
    alive it happen to my friend. And just
    breathe I know its . . . distrubing.
    But just ask questions.
    That's the best thing to
    do instead of assume, communicate.

    p.s. i am no relationship expert but i
    thought that would help . . i hope .

  2. thank you !

    && umm, it was on myspace, and i tagged him

    in a pic where me and him were really close,

    not even kissing ! && he didnt accept the tag !

    I thought he was ashamed of me .. =/


Me && My Cousin Seth

Me && My Cousin Seth
&& His Horse Andy !

Naturally Happy Nappy

Naturally Happy Nappy
