Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's Been 5 Days,

So far so good ...

we'll of course cus it's the beginning .

but we match soo .... so nicely .

&& I like him soo much .

mann ... thats my boo . my babyy . my snugglemuffins LOL

&& I'm his bubblegummmmm .... =D .

I miss him liiike ... alot . lol i always miss him =/

Kill, he made me tell my mother that we're together,

I was SOO scared lol cus she told me she didn't like him ! LMAO

I meann ... I WASSS gonna tell her, but i didnt know whennn ...

but we was on the phone and he was like
"You better tell her within the next 24hrs!"

I was like
"umm ..."

But i wrote her a letter instead, and she was like Ok .


but soo happy =]]]

So I guess she doesnt mind .

now we're all happy ! except for me,

cus I miss him =/


  1. awww;

    i remember that feeling
    im happy your mom
    dddnt trip

  2. awww , dmn.
    this is so cute !
    Wait, she didn't trip?
    Then how come you thought
    she was going to trip ?!!


Me && My Cousin Seth

Me && My Cousin Seth
&& His Horse Andy !

Naturally Happy Nappy

Naturally Happy Nappy
