Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Most Beautiful, ...

OMG so I'm coming from track practice right, walking down Florida ave to go to the station, and at that particular avenue, they play loud gogo while crackheads and crazy unks dance . so i'm walking and whatever, crossing the street from the cvs, and theres this unk, but i pay him no mind so anyway, I heard this voice to my left, and it was singing . && I mean SINGING . like blowin out vocals ! it was this man, or young man, idk ... he was too far away to see, but I could hear him loud and clearly . i dont know if he was a unk too or not, i didnt really care . so my dumbass stops like in the middle of the intersection, because his singing was so beautiful and mezmorizing ! and I'm just keep staring, && he's blowing out such sweet wonderful melodies and chords, my mind is just lost, but my feet keep moving so then i bump into something, and it was the unk from before ! i said umm ew, excuse me lol && keep walking to the station .
that man could SINGG . so gorgeous, so beautiful . i dont know who he is, and i know I'll never find out, .. but I hope he's there again sometime, ...

1 comment:

  1. Lmaoooo !
    Nalani that was mean who says "Um ew excuse me" when they bump
    into people ?
    if i was the dood i woulda been like "i uhhhhh" & then cried
    lmfaooo x 3



Me && My Cousin Seth

Me && My Cousin Seth
&& His Horse Andy !

Naturally Happy Nappy

Naturally Happy Nappy
