Monday, February 16, 2009

I AM Imperfect .

and I'm not satisfied all the time, but me is all i got, and all I have . and I only have this one chance to be me and do it to the best of my ability . because I have one life . im not gonna be perfect . never . thats a damn guranteed . I'm not the prettiest thing out here, I'm not the greatest friend, and i'm not the greatest daughter . I'm not the best person, even when I try to be . I'm just a human . Human . all I am . I have a speech impediment . I stutter . it's really embarrassing because people choose to laugh at me . and thats why sometimes I dont ask things or am quiet at times because I know that i'm going to stutter . like I can feel it on the tip of my tongue . and I choose to be quiet . i hate that I have it . I also have big feet . and I dont have many cool shoes because of this . yes, I shop at payless, and chucks surely do me some justice . but sometimes I want to be girly and wear heels and sexy pumps .. but I can never . because they dont have them in my size . what is a girl supposed to do ? I cant wear chucks to a wedding ? not to church, not when giving a formal speech . is that why boys don't like me ? because I can't be sexy ? or because they dont like girls with bigger feel than themselves ? they don't like girls who wear dirty chucks with writings on them ? well there is my flaw . stutterer with big feet and small boobs . yeah . they make fun of me for that too . my breasts are small . they are . i used to be ashamed . i use to pray for bigger boobs . but not all prayers get answered ? sometimes, I still AM ashamed . people just make stupid comments .

"can I give you some of mine?"

"why are you boobs so small ??"

"hey did you know your boobs are really small ?"

"I'm sorry, I know I keep saying it, but ummmm ... youre tits are so little lol"

oh, I'm sorry ! I'm blind ! no, I didnt know they were that small ! oops, MY BAD, theyre so small I forget them bad boys were there ! what the fuck . people dont realize that the comments they make really do have affect on people . but life ... is most definetly life .


  1. small boobs are nice, just saying. But I`m not only saying that to make you feel better, well I am too but that wasn`t my main point. && guess what ? I have huge feet too, I am ashamed of them but I think I`m getting over it just a little . . . ohmygosh it does suck because I wear chucks too even though I like the shoe a lot but its hard because I can`t find sneakers at a good price . . . && I don`t like to go out on dates or anything . . because of that I feel like people are staring at my feet. but yesssssssss I feel you, we gotta get over this somehow ya know ? My cousin stutters , people giggle I don't. I actually wait and just see what she has to say, it weird because when she sees peoples faces she stutters more, I think its nerves . . . whatever. Stutter can be cool people laugh at anything. I do but not that that makes ppl feel umcomfortable. Uhm your pretty . . I like your face its nice different .

  2. wow, thanks . at least another uman being knowwws what I'm going through =]
    what size show do you wear ?

  3. lls, yur blog is interesting, i didnt kno yu lived in the "DMV" as some may call it,
    & i have small boobs too,
    but idc, i dnt want large assets!


Me && My Cousin Seth

Me && My Cousin Seth
&& His Horse Andy !

Naturally Happy Nappy

Naturally Happy Nappy
