Friday, October 9, 2009


I havent been on here in a minute . and sooo much has happened that has changed my life . muchc is wayy personal .

but anyways . idk . aint nothing change with the way i am really . still a fool .

forreal forreal FML .

aint no one there . when I call for you, all there are is echos of myself ... lonely as shit .

everyone selfish and foolish .

possibility that me and ex might be back together . that'll be hell .

he all sad and shit his mans just died,. never seen him like that, idek how to feel .

i want to comfort him because no one ever comforts me, so I wanna be there for him.even

though i know he wont wanna talk to me, he'll just keep to himself . soo idk what to do

with myself . i just feel like garbage /

found a $20 on the ground today . booyah . highlight of my life liiiiike Shit .

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